Government Says Eat Less Meat, Factory Farming Responds With Ridiculous Lie

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<p><a href="">Flickr/Japanexperterna.s</a><a href="">e</a></p>

Factory farming industry leaders are furious following the release of the federal government's recent nutritional report, which advised Americans to reduce their intake of red meat and consider the environmental as well as nutritional impact of their food.

In addition to the torturous practices many factory farmed animals are subjected to, numerous studies have documented the staggering environmental impact of factory farming.

Flickr/Brian Johnson & Dane Kanter

Factory farming supporters are denying these claims. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who's well known for declaring he would "eat more meat on Mondays" in response to the Meatless Monday movement, told Fox News that "generations of cattle farmers and ranchers have been and continue to be conscientious about conserving limited natural resources."

However, recent studies have shown that factory farming, and beef farming, in particular, is a surprisingly significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and uses a disproportionate amount of natural resources.

One 2014 study showed that livestock farming was responsible for a shocking one-fifth of the world's greenhouse gas emissions.

Beef production was particularly draining on natural resources, requiring 160 times more land and eight times more water than the production of staple plant foods. It also produced 11 times the greenhouse gas emissions.

Flickr/andy carter

Another study in November showed that a reduction in meat consumption could have significant benefits for the environment, as well as helping save endangered species.

Of course, the most immediate effect of reducing factory farming would not just be on the animals involved but also the animals whose habitats are being destroyed to make room for farming operations. In South America alone, millions of acres of forest are destroyed each year, according to WWF, largely to support the growing demand for livestock feed.