
Your gift makes a difference!

Thank YOU!

Give Using PayPal or a Credit Card

You don’t need a Paypal account to use a credit card for your donation.

For 50 years, Oconee Humane Society volunteers and staff have worked tirelessly to improve the lives of pets in Oconee County. We are proud that with the sole support of generous sponsors and donors, and millions of volunteer hours, we have given tens of thousands of dogs and cats a second chance through our adoption programs and helped thousands more in our community with low-cost spay/neuter vouchers, vaccination clinics and food distribution.

We receive no funding from any national, state or local organizations including The Humane Society of the United States. If you wish to support local pets in need, your contribution must come directly to us – the Oconee Humane Society.

You can designate your support by honoring a loved one, making a memorial gift, etc. If making a donation on behalf of someone, an acknowledgement will be mailed informing that person of your gift.

There are many ways your philanthropic gift can mesh with financial needs and tax planning. Planned gifts include bequests through wills, charitable trusts, life income gifts, life insurance benefits and retirement benefits and are usually made in the form of cash, real estate, stocks, bonds and personal property. Contact us at to discuss your gift.

Direct donations are always accepted at the Adoption Center, fundraising events, or can be mailed to:

Oconee Humane Society
P.O. Box 966
West Union, SC 29696


Your generosity saves lives and provides hope for dogs and cats in need!!

Petco Love StoriesPetSmart Charities Grantee Web Badge • Lollypop Farm

We can always use the following items:

  • Kitten Chow
  • Pate wet cat food
  • White vinegar
  • Medium Dog harnesses/collars
  • Clip-style dog leashes
  • Paper towels
  • Rescue Cleaner
  • Copier Paper
  • Stamps
  • Staples Gift Cards (for office supplies)
  • Gas Gift Cards
  • Distilled Water
  • 90% Rubbing Alcohol



Petsmart and Petco support OHS